I am a first-year PhD student in Computer Science at Cornell University, advised by Professor Rachee Singh. My research focuses on improving optical networking technologies for wide-area networks (WAN) and performance analyses and improvements related to low earth orbit (LEO) satellites. Previously, I worked at Microsoft Research with Dr. Venkat Padmanabhan, where I contributed to optimizing WAN costs for Microsoft Teams.
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Bhaskar Kataria, Palak LNU, Rahul Bothra, Rohan Gandhi, Debopam Bhattacherjee, Venkat Padmanabhan, Irena Atov, Sriraam Ramakrishnan, Somesh Chaturmohta, Chakri Kotipalli, Rui Liang, Ken Sueda, Xin He, Kevin Hinton
Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT'24) 2024
Bhaskar Kataria, Palak LNU, Rahul Bothra, Rohan Gandhi, Debopam Bhattacherjee, Venkat Padmanabhan, Irena Atov, Sriraam Ramakrishnan, Somesh Chaturmohta, Chakri Kotipalli, Rui Liang, Ken Sueda, Xin He, Kevin Hinton
Conference on emerging Networking EXperiments and Technologies (CoNEXT'24) 2024
Kiran Makhijani, Bhaskar Kataria, Shashank D, Deepta Devkota, Mohit P. Tahiliani
IEEE 30th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP’22) 2022
Kiran Makhijani, Bhaskar Kataria, Shashank D, Deepta Devkota, Mohit P. Tahiliani
IEEE 30th International Conference on Network Protocols (ICNP’22) 2022
Bhaskar Kataria, Rohit M. P, Leslie Monis, Mohit P. Tahiliani, Kiran Makhijani
2022 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC) 2022
Bhaskar Kataria, Rohit M. P, Leslie Monis, Mohit P. Tahiliani, Kiran Makhijani
2022 IEEE Bombay Section Signature Conference (IBSSC) 2022
Bhaskar Kataria, Rohit M. P, Leslie Monis, Mohit P. Tahiliani, Kiran Makhijani
IEEE 23rd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR’22) 2022
Bhaskar Kataria, Rohit M. P, Leslie Monis, Mohit P. Tahiliani, Kiran Makhijani
IEEE 23rd International Conference on High Performance Switching and Routing (HPSR’22) 2022
Athreya H. Nagaraj, Bhaskar Kataria, Aditya Sohoni, Mohit P. Tahiliani, Deepaknath Tandur, Hariram Satheesh
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS’20) 2020
Athreya H. Nagaraj, Bhaskar Kataria, Aditya Sohoni, Mohit P. Tahiliani, Deepaknath Tandur, Hariram Satheesh
IEEE International Conference on Advanced Networks and Telecommunications Systems (ANTS’20) 2020